Friday, November 12 @ 9:00:00 PM
The time has finally come. I've finally have no relations with school (Y) Gembira. He he he. Freedom or what? I really hope that all my efforts will be paid off. Cross-fingers. Amin. Anyhoo, holidays are here. I need to get a job. Like secepat mungkin gituloh. I'll will not rot at home and die. Furthermore, prom is only 6 days away. I know right..... SEXCITED! Ho ho ho!
Speaking of jobs, i've been thinking of joining back with 15 minutes. Shall i? Hmmm decisions decisions. Oh well it seems like the other jobs ain't giving me the thumbs up anyway. Bummer. I need to get the positive vibe starting. Come on now mind, soul & body, work with me here. Till yours truly score herself an awesome job, till then. Mucho love. Muach muach :3